31 Oct 2017

Georgia Ranked No. 1 State for Business
Georgia is named the No. 1 state for business for the fifth consecutive year by Site Selection Magazine. Governor Nathan Deal is the only governor to have headed a state’s executive branch for five consecutive wins. The ranking is a blend of subjective and objective measures – 50 percent is based on a survey of corporate site selectors who indicate their top states, and 50 percent is based on an index of largely Conway Projects Database measures of where facilities are actually being sited (see the methodology).
10 Oct 2017
Georgia named No. 1 state for business for the fourth consecutive year.
Bringing in business is a top priority for every state. New corporate locations and expansions create jobs and expand and diversify the tax base. Even though most would agree we have largely recovered from the Great Recession, the memories of that brutal downturn are still painfully sharp and linger — and still impact decision-making by corporate leadership. Today companies pay more attention to how states held on to and supported business during the Great Recession; in turn, states are more motivated to do all they can to attract, diversify, and support new business and stand out from competing states.
06 Jul 2017

Edge Development – The Advantage Your Community Needs
Through the unique partnership of Electric Cities of Georgia , the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and the Municipal Gas Authority along with the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government and Hometown Connections (a subsidiary of American Public Power Association) we bring to Georgia’s Energy Cities a new economic development and strategic planning concept to promote sustainable growth.
26 Apr 2017
Georgia’s winning streak with automotive suppliers continues.
Georgia has effectively used its centralized location among Southeastern automotive OEMs to recruit a wide-array of small to mid-sized part suppliers. From BMW to the east, Volkswagen to the north, and Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai, and Kia to the west, these European and Asian suppliers represent a significant amount of the new manufacturing base being built in our state.
10 Mar 2017
Public Power showcased in Area Development Magazine
A great article recently featured public power and its role in economic development, and the power of partnerships. The article interviews Daryl Ingram, ECG’s Sr. Vice-President of External Affairs & Economic Development as well as leaders in Austin, Texas; Sacramento, California; Greenville, North Carolina; Independence Missouri; Anderson, Indiana and Orlando, Florida. Ingram says, “Quality of life attracts new residents, and that, in turn, attracts new employers. If you’ve got the right kind of people, companies are going to find you.”