13 Jun 2016

Mill Graves named 2016-17 ICSC P3 Alliance, Public Sector Chair

This is a great YouTube video about the Public-Private Sector Alliance (P3) program and how communities can proactively get involved with ICSC and market themselves effectively. If interested in more information about ICSC or participation in the P3 program please visit icsc.org or reach out to Mill at ECG.

Along with 35,000 retail real estate industry professionals, ECG traveled to Las Vegas in May to attend the ICSC ReCon – the country’s largest deal making retail conference. ICSC is the platform for industry stakeholders – retailers, brokers, developers, the public sector, and tech vendors – to network deals, cultivate professional development, and advocate the current retail trends and consumer preferences shaping development. (more…)


03 Mar 2016

Great things happening in Albany, Georgia

Working together, the City of Albany and Dougherty County in southwest Georgia are bringing new life and opportunities to their downtown. Thanks to a private-public partnership dedicated to redeveloping downtown by playing up the area’s premier natural resource-the Flint River, the Albany Downtown Riverfront Master Plan was designed to pack the center of the community with diverse activities and destinations that benefit residents and visitors alike.

Learn more about Albany or take a look at their community video here


03 Nov 2015

Georgia Named #1 for Business

For the third year in a row, Georgia takes first place in Site Selection’s annual ranking of state business climates. Georgia’s access to global markets through air, sea, rail and highway networks makes the state desirable for companies.

Having a workforce of over 6 million and access to 90,000 graduates from 80 colleges, technical colleges and universities across the state, including nationally ranked Georgia Institute of Technology, Emory University and the University of Georgia has led to being named CNBC’s best state for workforce as well.  To read more follow this link.


17 Dec 2014

Southwest Georgia: Reloading and Rebranding

Southwest Georgia featured in the December 2014 issue of Georgia Trend:

Economic developers in Southwest Georgia, which boasts some of the richest, most biologically diverse ecological systems in the United States, seem to be drinking the same water. Throughout the area, communities of all sizes are undertaking bold new efforts to pitch their stories beyond their borders to attract business, industry and visitors. (more…)