06 Apr 2021
Grants & Funding Opportunities | April 2021

ECG’s Office of Economic & Community Development assembles a list of current grants and funding opportunities monthly. We regularly update our blog and will continue to share information about additional funding opportunities.
This month we have included the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Supplemental Document, providing general highlights and information. The U.S. Treasury continues to work on guidance details for the plan at this time.
Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA)
Annual CDBG Competition
Application Period: Through June 4, 2021
Type: Grant
The Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) provides funding to assist a wide range of eligible activities, including housing improvement projects, public facilities such as water and sewer lines, buildings such as local health centers or head start centers, and economic development projects. All projects must substantially benefit low and moderate income persons.
The maximum amount available per applicant is $750,000 for Single-Activity during regular competition and $1,000,000 for Multi-Activity during regular competition.
Local Match Requirements – Annual Competition:
- Grants up to $300,000, or grants for single activity housing projects – no matching funds required.
- Grants of $300,001 to $750,000 – 5% local matching funds required.
- Grants of more than $750,001 – 10% local matching funds required.
Eligible applicants are units of general local government, excluding metropolitan cities, urban counties, and units of government eligible to participate in the urban counties or metropolitan cities programs of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Eligible applicants selected for funding will be those having the greatest need as evidenced by poverty and per capita income and whose applications most adequately address the needs of low and moderate income persons and have the greatest impact.