24 Jun 2024

Community Visioning: A Case Study

Welcome to the final segment of our Community Visioning series! So far, we’ve discussed the importance of Community Visioning and Implementing Your Community Vision. In this final part, we will explore how grants can be utilized to help implement specific projects and goals, as was the case with the City of Whigham, and how that aligns with the community’s collective vision.
23 Feb 2024

Implementing Your Community Vision

You did it! You herded the cats, successfully crafted a vision for your community, and developed an implementation plan. Now what?
For most, developing a community vision and implementation plan is the easy part, but implementing projects and making meaningful changes to achieve a community vision can be extremely daunting.
19 Sep 2023

Community Visioning

Have you ever driven to an unfamiliar destination and your GPS stopped working? The slight feeling of panic and frustration that follows can stop you in your tracks and may even put your trip on hold until you plan another path forward. A community without a shared vision may feel like they are stuck in a similar situation.