20 Mar 2017
Farmax Merchandise coming to Cordele-Crisp County, Georgia

March 20, 2017 – ECG’s Office of Economic & Community Development is thrilled to announce Farmax Merchandise will bring more than 20 new jobs and invest $5 million in Cordele-Crisp County. Farmax, a China-based peanut production and exporting enterprise, is opening a new peanut oil processing facility. The company serves customers in the U.S., EU, Canada, Southeast Asia, Russia, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand.
“Cordele and Crisp County are excited to welcome Farmax as the community’s first China-based manufacturer,” said Zack Wade, chairman of the Crisp County-Cordele Industrial Development Authority. “The company will be a great fit for our community because it will consume large amounts of peanuts—one of our most abundant local cash crops.”
In August 2016, Governor Deal announced the Cordele Intermodal Services, the state’s first inland terminal, will partner with KIA Motors to handle container shipping. The Inland Port will now provide logistical benefits with importing and exporting goods for Farmax’s international customers.
“Our community is thankful to officials at Farmax for recognizing the benefits of locating here. Not only was the abundance of peanuts an asset, but Cordele’s Inland Port was a critical and positive factor in favor of Crisp County,” said Grant Buckley, executive director of the Cordele-Crisp County Industrial Development Council.
“This is a fantastic demonstration of a community using its local advantages to attract a quality business,” explained Lonnie Smallwood, Sr. Business Development Associate with ECG.