01 Mar 2024
Funding Opportunities | March 2024

Welcome to March! Our Office of Economic & Community Development at ECG has gathered grants and funding opportunities to assist communities in obtaining essential resources for advancing current industries and attracting new businesses. Our compiled list of funding options tailored to your specific requirements features opportunities this month from the Georgia Department of Transportation and Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT)
Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant (LMIG)
Deadline: Ongoing
Type: Grant
The LMIG program has been developed in cooperation with ACCG, GMA, and others. The annual LMIG allocation is based on the total centerline road miles for each local road system and the total population of each county or city as compared with the total statewide centerline road miles and total statewide population. The LMIG program will allow local governments greater flexibility and quicker project delivery while allowing us to effectively administer the program with a reduced workforce and new funding match requirements.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program
Deadline: April 30, 2024
Type: Grant
The purpose of The ORLP Program is to provide new or significantly improved recreation opportunities in urban, disadvantaged communities lacking access to walkable outdoor recreation (i.e., park deserts.)
*Feature Image courtesy of Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR)