06 Oct 2022
Grants & Funding Opportunities | October 2022
Take advantage of the grants and funding resources assembled by our Office of Economic & Community Development each month that may be relevant to your needs. For the month of October, we share information highlighting funding from The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) CHIP program.
Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA)
Community HOME Investment Program (CHIP)
Deadline: 1/31/23
Type: Grant
Webinar: 11/2/22 at 10 AM – register here
The Community HOME Investment Program (CHIP) is a federally- funded program designed to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing in Georgia by granting funds to city and county governments, public housing authorities, and nonprofits to 1.) rehabilitate owner-occupied homes, and 2.) build and renovate affordable single-family homes for sale to eligible homebuyers.
The CHIP program does not provide direct assistance to individual homeowners and homebuyers. If you are a homeowner in need of financial assistance for repairs to your home, please contact your local government to inquire about housing assistance. You can also email [email protected] for assistance with locating resources that may be available in your area.
CHIP Eligible Activities And Funding Limits:
- $400,000 available for housing rehabilitation of owner-occupied single-family homes; and
- $600,000 available for new construction and reconstruction of affordable single-family homes for sale to income-eligible homebuyers
New CHIP applicants are encouraged to apply under the Set-Aside Consideration. This Set-Aside Consideration is only available to local units of government applicants. The Set-Aside Applicant must demonstrate any current and/or past community development efforts used to better improve their community without the assistance of state or federal assistance. Applicants that apply for the Set-Aside Consideration cannot have received CHIP funds or State CDBG funds for housing in the last ten years. https://www.dca.ga.gov/safe-affordable-housing/rental-housing-development/home-investment-partnership-program-home-1