03 May 2023
Grants & Funding Opportunities | May 2023

This month, ECG’s Office of Economic & Community Development has put together grants and funding opportunities to assist communities in obtaining essential resources for advancing existing industries and attracting new businesses. Below are some funding options that may be relevant to your specific needs. Our highlighted offering is from the USDA Housing Preservation Grants.
This program provides grants to sponsoring organizations for the repair or rehabilitation of housing owned or occupied by low- and very-low-income rural citizens.
USDA will award a total of $18,500,000 in Housing Preservation Grant Program funding for the repair and rehabilitation of rural housing units. $2,500,000 of this funding is for organizations to help people repair homes they own or rent that were damaged in a calendar year 2022 Presidentially declared disaster areas ($50,000 maximum award).
Eligibility: Rural areas and towns with 20,000 or fewer people.
Eligible uses:
- Applicants provide grants or low-interest loans to repair or rehabilitate housing for low- and very-low-income* homeowners
- Rental property owners may also receive assistance if they agree to make units available to low- and very-low-income* families
- Other eligible expenses (click on the link below for additional information)
*Very-low-income and low income: Very-low-income is below 50% of area median income; low-income is 50-80% of area median income.
Match: While it is encouraged that HPG funds be leveraged with other resources, cost sharing or matching is not a requirement for the HPG applicant as the HPG applicant would not be denied an award of HPG funds if all other project selection criteria have been met.