2013 Annual Meeting &  Economic Development Forum

The Annual Meeting & Economic Development Forum offers the ECG Communities an opportunity to discuss, and learn from experts, on economic development strategies and tactics. Attendees also hear proven success stories from state and community leaders.

Our theme this year is A Proactive Approach in a Reactive Economy.


Acworth’s Road to Economic Development – Part 2

Retail Success Story – Douglas – JoAnne Lewis

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How to Succeed When Faced with Hardship – Judy McCorkle
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Georgia Centers of Innovation – Solving Problems and Creating Value for Your Companies – Mark Lytle
What Do We Do With the Vacant Big Box? – Panel
Proposed Amendments to the Electric Territorial Act and Solar Initiatives in Georgia – Peter Floyd
What and How ECG Brings Retail Development to You – Daryl Ingram/Jason Fritz
The European Market Moving Forward – Jim Blair
Industrial Success Story – Roger Harrison and Annie Baxter
Economic Development Fundraising Solutions – Elyse Cochran

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Economic Development Fundraising Solutions – JoAnne Lewis
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SmartCities – John Srouji and Todd Jackson
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