04 Jan 2019

Shared Success: The Utility’s Role in Economic Development

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Businesses want to keep energy costs down and utilities want to see load grow. That’s the bottom line in economic development. But that’s not all there is to it. Communities and businesses have varying goals that require a careful match to find the right fit.

To help grow and improve their communities, public power utilities are playing a bigger role in economic development programs, and site selectors are welcoming their input.

Why Utilities Should be Involved

“All economic development is local, and it all relies on a site or building. And every site or building is going to be served with utilities,” said site selector and economic development consultant Janet Ady. “Utilities are one of the key stakeholders in the economic development team.”

Ady noted that utilities play a big role in not only assessing the physical readiness of a site, but also in making sure that all the stakeholders at the table are aware of the process, aligned with the same goals, and coordinating. Read More


Source: Susan Partain, from Public Power.
Article: https://www.publicpower.org/periodical/article/shared-success-utilitys-role-economic-development